For the past two weeks for FIRST LIGHT (at 7:00 a.m. Sun, Tue, & Thur.) and AT REST (Mon, and Fri. at 7;00 p.m.) we’ve been going through every relevant text on grace.  We’ve been digging deep and for that reason it seems a little anticlimactic to preach on grace for just a couple of Sabbaths.  It is like trying to be satisfied with a 1/4 cup of water after traveling long through the desert when God wants to give you an olympic sized swimming pool full of great water to not only drink till your full, but to also jump into and be fully refreshed inside and out.

So I’m hoping that these two sermons, Grace + and Grace + II will inspire you to dig deeper in a personal journey of your own into His reality of grace.

After digging deep into His amazing grace I believe this song will mean much more to you.  His Grace Still Amazes Me performed by the young people from Fountainview.

Here’s a link to our sermon outline for Grace + II.  The Grace Inductive study work sheet is also available in PDF.